Black Drawing Salve: For deeper wounds that involve dirt, splinters, infections, or even stings, respond really well to a drawing salve. The powerful drawing action pulls the dirt and infection up to the surface. That way, the wound can be clean and healed properly.
Drawing salve is perfect for those pesky splinters that hide out under the skin, out of the reach of tweezers. It will pull the splinter up to the surface so that it can be removed. Also for Ingrown hairs, boils and cysts.
This is a great thing to keep on hand for bee and wasp stings, too. The ingredients in black salve draw the venom up and out of stings so that relief and healing can occur.
People have even successfully used drawing salve to treat boils and other skin infections. It draws the infection up to the surface so that it can heal.
The two main drawing ingredients in this salve are activated charcoal and bentonite clay. Activated charcoal is well known for its effectiveness in pulling out and absorbing toxins and poisons. Bentonite clay is powerful at both cleansing and drawing out infections and toxins.
Ingredients: Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Calendula, Beeswax, Bentonite Clay, Activated Charcoal, Tea Tree EO, Lavender EO